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The editors at Masters in Teaching Degrees decided to research the topic of Year of the Tiger Mom: Are You Racist for Reading This?Tiger Mom - a very strict mother who makes her children work exceptionally hard and restricts their free time so that they continually achieve the highest grades: Usually associated with Asian-Americans. Tiger Moms stole the spotlight in 2011 when Amy Chua, a Chinese-American mother, published the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - The book told many stories of how Chua raised her two daughters under a "traditional Chinese" method - Her extreme parenting style enraged many readers - Her parenting methods included - forced music practice every day - restrictions on extracurricular activities - bans on many social events - punishment and shaming - Anecdotes include - rejecting the plain birthday card her daughter made for her - calling her oldest daughter garbage In 2013, Kim Wong Keltner reopened the issue by publishing Tiger Babies Strike Back- Described - the struggle of being raised under the strict parenting model - the harmful effects that perfectionistic parenting can have on children Facts- Strict parenting is common in many Chinese immigrant families, but not all Asian-Americans practice it - "Tiger Mom" can refer to moms, dads, grandparents or any other guardian - "Tiger Mom" can also refer to western parents who exercise strict parenting styles Characteristics of Tiger Moms- They make too many rules - They make threats that are over the top - Chua describes how she threatened to burn all of her daughter's stuffed animals if she didn't perfect a piano piece - They give conditional love or make it sound that way - "I love you, but..." - They lack a verbal filter - Their kid is all work and no play - Tiger babies are forced to sacrifice social time and relaxation time for learning time - They believe the rules are the rules, no questions asked - They are authoritarian, not authoritative - Authoritative parents lay out boundaries and expect their kids to stay within them. - Authoritarian parents dictate everything the child does The HarmShaming - Shaming is a main part of Chinese-style parenting - It is used to teach children right from wrong - Children are socialized to be conscious of what others think of them - They're expected to act in a way that gains the most approval - Shaming damages self-esteem Tiger parenting perpetuates the "model minority" stereotype, which gives children an added expectation to live up to. A decade-long study (published in 2013) of 300 Asian-American families found that this kind of parenting had detrimental effects on children. The study found that: - Suicide is the second leading cause of death among Asian-American women ages 15-24 - These women, along with Asian-Americans over 65, have the highest female suicide rates across all racial and ethnic groups - Asian-American girls grades 5-12 show the highest rates of depression across both race/ethnicity and gender - "Model minority" expectations and family pressures are often cited as factors of suicide - Tiger moms produced children who experienced: - Feelings of alienation from their parents - More symptoms of depression - Lower GPA's, despite higher academic pressure A 2012 study at a competitive US high school found similar results - It also showed that a cultural gap contributes to family struggles - US culture values individuality and standing up for one's self - Chinese culture values respecting parents and doing as one's told The BenefitChildren raised by tiger parents can go on to be very successful - (A Pew Research Center study shows that) - Asian-Americans are the leading group in percentage with a Bachelor's degree or higher - 49%, as of 2010 - (21% higher than the US population as a whole) - Asian-Americans are the leaders in median household income - $66,000/year, as of 2010 - ($16,200 more than the US population as a whole) Some children raised by tiger parents see their efforts as expressions of love - This is not as much emotional damage to the child - Tiger babies may be more disciplined - Learning more at an early age gives them an advantage when they get to college or the workforce - Chua describes tiger parenting not as telling children what they should be, but pushing them to realize their full potential Sources- http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/17/opinion/liu-tiger-parents - http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/05/_tiger_mom_study_shows_the_parenting_method_doesn_t_work.html - http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2011/04/sympathy-for-the-tiger-moms/308399/ - http://www.parents.com/blogs/red-hot-parenting/2012/02/22/health/evaluating-tiger-mom-parenting-whats-the-take-home-message-from-research/ - http://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/16-signs-youre-too-strict-with-kids - http://www.care2.com/causes/the-sad-truth-about-the-tiger-mother.html - http://www.livescience.com/18023-tiger-parenting-tough-kids.html - http://family.jrank.org/pages/1258/Parenting-Styles-Cultural-Differences-in-Guilt-Shame.html - http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/06/19/the-rise-of-asian-americans/ ![]() |