5 Education Conferences in the Midwest in 2018

Midwestern Conferences for Teachers

  • Directions Midwest Education Conference
  • Midwest Education Technology Community
  • Midwest Regional Forum
  • Midwest Leadership Summit
  • Illinois Reading Council

The best educators are those who continuously educate themselves. Education is a dynamic field in which researchers and professionals make new discoveries of best practices every single day. The best way to stay educated on education is by attending conferences. Here are 5 great education conferences offered this year in the Midwest.

1. Directions Midwest Education Conference

The Directions Midwest Education Conference is an annual event designed for educators to collaborate on tackling current education challenges. This year’s conference will be held June 19th and 20th at the Gateway Convention Center in Collinsville, IL. Education administrators are invited to attend the Administrator Academy on June 18th, as well. The theme of 2018 is Making Connections to reduce homelessness, restructure the use of technology and social media, increase social justice, build communities, and increase trauma-informed schools.

Related: 5 Examples of Assistive Technology in the Classroom

2. Midwest Education Technology Community

From college all the way down through preschool, technology has an increasing presence in the world of education. Many educators who have been in the industry for years struggle to make the switch, and even those who have grown up using educational technology need assistance keeping up with the frequent changes. The Midwest Education Technology Community offers an annual conference to help. This year’s event will take place from February 12th to 14th at the St. Charles Convention Center in St. Charles, MO.

3. Midwest Regional Forum

The Midwest Regional Forum is an annual gathering opportunity for educators of kindergarten through higher education. It is a space to discuss and collaborate on plans for helping students achieve academic readiness, creating educational opportunities, and increasing student success through one seamless process throughout their educational journey. It allows educators in the Midwest to dive deep into the unique issues and practices of this region. This year’s forum will be held from February 18th to 20th in Chicago, IL.

4. Midwest Leadership Summit

The Midwest Leadership Summit is an opportunity to hear experts on education share their knowledge and then gather with colleagues to discuss how best to apply it towards career advancement. It is an opportunity for the teachers to become the students and learn from each other. Educators learn how to lead their students by example, not just in the instruction of educational material, but also through guidance of useful life skills. This year’s summit will be held on June 5th and 6th at Centre Park of West Chester, OH.

5. Illinois Reading Council

Reading is the foundation of education. It is a basic skill that those who possess it take for granted, and one that far too many students in the United States miss out on building to their full potential. The Illinois Reading Council seeks to remedy this through their annual conferences. This year’s event, titled Read the World will take place from October 4th through 6th at the Peoria Civic Center and Peoria Marriott Pere Marquette Hotel in Peoria, IL.

Children are the future, so the education they receive greatly affects the world. Educators therefore play crucial, rewarding, and challenging roles in society. It is of the utmost importance for them to seek frequent access to the latest knowledge in education, as well as opportunities to collaborate with others on how best to apply it. These Midwest Educational Conferences of 2018 offer such opportunities.